Wedding Day Woes: Things That Don’t Matter at a Wedding.

A wedding is a beautiful celebration of love and commitment, a day where two people embark on a lifelong journey together. However, in the midst of wedding planning, it’s easy to get caught up in the details that don’t truly matter in the grand scheme of things. Felt more keenly at this time of financial austerity and cost of living crisis, it’s easy to spend money on things that aren’t really needed or because its the latest trend. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the things that don’t matter at a wedding and why it’s important to keep the focus on what truly counts.


The Colour of the Flowers:  While floral arrangements can add a touch of elegance to your wedding, the specific hue of the petals is far from the most important aspect of your big day. Whether the roses are crimson red or dusty pink, what matters most is the love and joy you and your partner share.

The Brand of Your Dress or Suit:  Designer labels and high-end brands can be appealing, but they don’t define your love or commitment. The dress and suit you choose should reflect your style, comfort, and personal preferences, not the name stitched on the label.

The Weather:  Mother Nature can be unpredictable, and you can’t control the weather on your wedding day. What matters is the love and support of your family and friends who are there to celebrate with you, rain or shine.


Perfectly Coordinated Table Settings:  While beautifully coordinated table settings can add to the aesthetics of your wedding, the food, drinks, and company are what truly matter. Your guests are there to celebrate your love, not to critique the tableware.

Elaborate Favours:  Wedding favours are a nice gesture, but guests attend your wedding to share in your happiness, not to receive extravagant gifts. Simple and meaningful tokens of appreciation can be just as meaningful as costly trinkets.

The Size of the Guest List:  It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game, trying to balance your guest list to accommodate everyone. What truly matters is being surrounded by those who support and love you, regardless of the size of the crowd.

The Perfect Instagram-Worthy Photos:  While having beautiful wedding photos is important, focusing too much on creating picture-perfect moments can distract from the real emotions of the day. The candid and heartfelt moments are the ones you’ll cherish most.

Matching Bridesmaids and Groomsmen:  Coordinating your wedding party’s attire can be fun, but the individuality and uniqueness of each member are what make your wedding special. Their love and support are more important than perfectly matching outfits.

Keeping Up with Wedding Trends:  Wedding trends come and go, but your love is timeless. Instead of worrying about the latest trends, focus on creating a celebration that reflects your personalities and values.

The Perfect Timeline:  Weddings can be chaotic, and things don’t always go as planned. Embrace the unexpected moments and enjoy the day as it unfolds. The most memorable weddings are often the ones with a touch of spontaneity.


In the grand tapestry of life, a wedding is just one beautiful thread. While the details and aesthetics of your big day can add to the overall experience, it’s essential to keep things in perspective. What truly matters at a wedding is the love, commitment, and the people who come together to celebrate with you. So, let go of the stress about the little things and focus on the joy, love, and memories that will last a lifetime.