My Day in Cups of Tea
I recently prepared an article for a magazine where I was the interviewee and talked a bit about what my job is and how I manage my self employed life whilst enjoying a brew or two. In this blog, I get to share the article with you.

Can you tell us a bit about what you do?
I am a Celebrant, which means I write and present bespoke ceremonies for Weddings, Naming Ceremonies or Celebrations of Life.
How did you get into that?
I attended a funeral where the officiant got the deceased’s name wrong twice and talked about them in such a way that none of those present recognised them. It made me sad for their family, as you only get one go at these things.
Then, when I got married, we wanted a ceremony that reflected our personalities and interests, and although we had a lovely day, we just didn’t get that with our registrar. I thought that there had to be another way, did some research, and trained as a Celebrant.

What’s your daily work routine?
If I’m not out conducting a ceremony or in a planning meeting with couples, families, venues, or suppliers, I’m usually into our home office around 9am with a cup of builder’s tea. I find distraction starts to happen around 11am so it’s time for a refill and a cheeky biscuit!! Then it’s back to writing, researching, or keeping up with industry affairs, such as the recent law review, which I am hoping will see Officiants such as myself, able to conduct legal weddings in the near future.
What do you love about what you do?
Every day is different, and it really is an honour and privilege when someone invites you into their world, to tell their family stories as part of a Celebration of Life, to share their hopes and dreams for their children at a Naming or aspirations for married life at a Wedding. I find I’m somewhere between a storyteller, actor and comedian in my role, maybe I missed my calling??!
How do you like to unwind?
If I don’t have a discovery meeting or review call with a client in the evening then I like to listen to a pod cast with a peppermint tea and do some paper craft or relax in the bath.
What are you most looking forward to right now?
I am so excited about some of my upcoming weddings and I’m looking forward to a change in the law which will mean my couples have real choice in their ceremonies and can enjoy their day, their way.
My Simple Thing: Telling stories and celebrating life events.
My husband says its him!!